
[] [图文杂烩] Reproduced not happy to see this !

!1 . keep smiling

2. learn to share the joy with others a

3. helpful

4. and maintain their childlike innocence

5. society and all kinds of people happy to get along

6. to maintain a sense of humor

7. to be able to chuluanbujing

8. learn to forgive others

9. there are several close friends

10. to have goals and pursue

11. often co-operate with others , and derive pleasure

12. modern love can be a little better , huh, huh . . .

13. maintain a high degree of confidence

14. respect for the weak

15. occasionally indulge themselves about

16. do not do criminal things

17. with boldness and courage

18. do not gounahaozai nosy

19. to regular exercise , such as carrying water

20. often out of breath of fresh air

21. of people have been demanding

22. achieved some results , do not always complacent huan

23. do not always pursue their own things

24. to understand the romantic

25 any time to be sure : the man behind the success there must be a successful woman

26. to be contented , for example, we already have a br>
28. go on vacation a few times a year

29. not alcohol

30. do not miser

31. finally , we must remember that the face of pornography , to back off the face to

sent to every friend , if you can sent to 10 friends ... they will be as happy !!!
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发帖时间:2012-03-20 19:21:25   |   回复数:0