
[] [BTBBT Daily - 12/3]Poisoning sees Coca-Cola pull drink


COCA-COLA has pulled a milk drink from shop shelves in northeastern Jilin Province, after a child died of poisoning and his mother ill after drinking it.

Coca-Cola Changchun Co Ltd made the move to "cooperate with the investigation and for the sake of public health and security."

But the soft drinks giant insisted yesterday that checks it and a third party conducted found the product safe and meeting standards.

The 10-year-old boy died and his mother was left seriously ill after drinking strawberry-flavored Minute Maid Pulpy Super Milky on November 28 in Changchun, the provincial capital.

Police found highly toxic pesticide in the remainder of the drink.

The mother has since awoken from a coma and is in a stable condition, China News Service reported yesterday.

Nearly 30,000 bottles have been withdrawn in Jilin in a joint campaign by the commerce, quality, food and health watchdogs, the report said.

Coca-Cola offered condolences to the victims and is cooperating with authorities to launch a thorough investigation.

In its statement, Coca-Cola said the incident had nothing to do with its products.

发帖时间:2011-12-03 12:33:25   |   回复数:1
2011-12-4 #2楼